August 12, 2009

Linder Eriksson, Sculptures near the farm

picture (2009) Varmlands Folkblad
Stefan Backlund
Life and works

Linder Eriksson (1924-2011) was a woodworker who lived in Hältebyn, Sweden.

In the 1960s he began making sculptures from wood and concrete, mostly representing persons and animals. Eriksson displayed his sculptures on a plot in the forest, not far from the farm where he lived.

Since the farm and the sculpture garden were situated on a rather remote location, only occasionally a visitor would come by to take a look at this creations.

 picture from the Other Art exposition website
(website not available anymore)

Not much has been published about Eriksson's life and work. He is relatively unknown in Sweden, although his work has been represented in the Annan Konst  (Other Art) exposition that has travelled through the Nordic countries in 2009 and early 2010.

picture by Lars Tunbjörk

* Olle Nessle, Okända mästare. Skulpturer på egna vägar (Unknown masters. Sculptors on their own paths. About Swedish folk art sculptors), Stockholm (Hemslöjdens Förlag), 2008. -159 p

first published August 2009, revised February 2013

Linder Eriksson
Sculptures near the farm
Haltebyn, Arjang, Varmland, Sweden


  1. How much do i like that kind of manifestations of "wild" art. I thought Mr. Eriksson and some others may find their source of artisitc inspiration whether in the same elements that led ancient civilizations in rough zones of the earth to develop their art or in the very art itself, that even share similar paterns despite the geographical isolation. It may obey to different reasons, starting with the material available for handcraft in that areas, such as bone, stone, horns, tusks and of course, the wood, all them probabily being hard to shape with modest tools and lacking the flexibility of for example, clay. In the other hand, perhaps its origin was not esthetical but intended for ritual or religious purpose, like the famous Willendorf Venus. Anyway, are nothing but especulations and their real use or purpose will never be know. However, the art of those contemporary artist like Linder Eriksson plays an important role in keeping a tradition of artistic manifestations inspired and conected with nature.

  2. Hi Alberto Oliver, It is a wonderful idea people like mr Eriksson who live in the countryside, away from urban trends and fashions, and who probably are not acquainted with formal art through musea and galleries, are starting to produce art by their own means...I wonder what kind of impersonations they would carve in the local granite...where does there inspirations come from?...legends?...stories their parents told?...things they learned at school?...I do not know about any study seriously approaching these kind of questions.
    Thanks for you comments. As always, they are very inspiring.
